
Google Hot Trends - How to Monetize Google Hot Trends

So how am I going to monetize this hot trend? What affiliate deals are available that caters to this Jessica Simpson fan audience that may appeal to them?

I'm going to run ads on my blog with my keyword rich post in it about this hot trend for people to click on and buy from a company I am affiliated with by virtue of an affiliate contract. You can become affiliated with hundreds of affiliate programs for free; however usually 4 or 5 will do along with Google AdSense.

I will provide links later where you can find tons of affiliate programs. Just remember, the more you are affiliated with, the more complicated your hot trends business becomes. You want to look for affiliate programs that can cover a wide range of products but still pay half way decent commissions.

I will not be expounding on the ins and outs of each affiliate program or how to work them. That is another project guide worth of information. Just remember, the simpler the system is to insert appropriate ads, the better for your business.

The only way you will learn which affiliate or Pay Per Click program (Like Google AdSense), to use with any given hot trend is by actually using them, testing them and keeping track of your testing.

The reason no one could possible teach you exactly which affiliate program will be best for which hot trend is the trends change in real time and the affiliate programs vary so much, as to the variables within each plan it is almost impossible to match the perfect affiliate, PPC or even CPA program with a hot trend. You will learn to develop and use your own judgment. However if you stick with these basic programs you can still make good money. The more you refine your process of matching hot trends with other ways of monetizing your hot trend blog, the more money you will make.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.