
Hot Trends - How to Research Hot Trends

Let's take a minute here and talk about what's hot and not taking advantage of what it is because of how you personally feel about the hot trend or its subject. The last thing you ever want to do is take some kind of opinionated approach as to whether or not a hot trend is worth building a project out of or not. In other words, regardless of what the hot trend is about, don't let your personal biases or opinions cloud your judgment as to whether or not you want to deal with any certain hot trends topic.

For example: I don't like pop music for the most part and country music even less. I have little respect for what I consider blonde bimbos that make it rich based Solely on their looks. Therefore as a rule I don't make it a habit to following anything that has to do with blonde bomb shell country singers. But there are such "Entertainers" that have audiences in the millions who have an interest in such entertainers.

I know if I can provide that massive audience with a little more information about their country star, on a blog that has been monetized with things on the same subject about the people the "Star" they are interested in, there is an extremely good chance that at least some of that audience can buy into my monetized items, and I will receive a commission for them. Guess what? I win! That's why I don't let my personal feelings about the subject of interest for a hot trend get in the way of me making money. I can't afford to.

The same thing applies to religion, politics, government, philosophy, business, foreign affairs or anything else all of us have our own opinions about. If you let your opinions stand in the way of making money, you won't make as much money with hot trends. PERIOD!

With that said, there is nothing that says you can't use your opinion, or voice your opinion as part of any hot trends project. Who knows; if your post on a hot trends project is well thought out, well written, delivers a rational argument about the hot trend, and is controversial to the norm regarding that hot trend, you may build traffic coming into that hot trends blog just to argue with you. I wouldn't waste a lot of time on doing so in the beginning though. But being controversial has made a lot of people a lot of money.

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