
Article Marketing - Follow the Hot Trends

Any time that you run out of ideas for your article writing, all you have to do is turn on the television and watch the news. Find out about what is going on around the world. A good way to write an article that will capture the attention of your readers is to tie it in with popular events or personalities. This helps because you are extending the conversation that is already occurring in the reader's mind.

You can try to work the name of the event or the person into your article title, for example, "How To Market Yourself Like Donald Trump" or "Lessons About Bad Publicity That You Can Learn From Britney Spears". If you do this, make sure that your article is actually related to the title. Otherwise you will lose credibility. A catchy title is always effective to entice the reader to read the rest of your article.

Google Trends

So how do you track down these hot trends? On of the sites I like to visit to get a pulse on the most popular topics of the day is Google Trends (google.com/trends). If you click on the link for "hot trends" you will be able to see daily trends based on what people are searching for on the internet. Most of the time you will see a lot of celebrities and current events that are in the news.

Use BlogSearch

Once you have identified a hot trend, you can find out more by checking in on what bloggers have to say about it. You can do this by searching through Google's BlogSearch (blogsearch.google.com). Just type in the search term and you can sort the results by the time span in which the posts were published. If something is really popular, you can even search for posts that are published within the last hour.

Once you have identified the the topic you want to write about, using BlogSearch is a good way to scan through what others are saying about it. Then you can apply your own perspective to come up with your original article. Be sure to include a resource link to your website so that the reader can get more information by signing up to your email list.

If your article happens to rank well in the search engines, your effort will pay off nicely. You will start to see a stream of free traffic coming from the search engine results. A little bit of leg work and some effort you put into writing the articles will translate to residual traffic over time as long as your article is ranked in the search engines.

About the author:

Hock is interested in all aspects of internet marketing. If you enjoyed this article, you will find more reviews of internet marketing tools at the Marketing Tools Review blog where topics such as pay-per-click advertising and generating an income through affiliate marketing are discussed.